I cannot believe we have been doing this for three years, also I cannot believe it has only been three years!
As I am writing this, we are approaching our 2200th cat! Think about it – that’s at least -2200 cans of cat food for recovery, 2200 microchips, that’s 2200 towels to cover 2200 traps & carriers, that’s at least a 100 trips into PAWS, gotta be!
Taking a quick glance at our database, over 500 cats/kittens have been deemed “friendly” and gone to shelters or have been adopted thru caretakers – 25% taken indoors either immediately or as they turned “friendly.” As the cats get older and tamer, more will probably decide that coming inside is much more desirable to their current lifestyle. We receive calls on some of these late bloomers, from people worried that we will want “our” cat back, but usually these people have taken the cat to the vet and then found the chip – someone taking this much responsibility usually qualifies them as a good home.
We are making a huge impact and that’s what keeps us going into our 4th year!
There’s always more
This afternoon I received a call from a caretaker in Villa Park. We had trapped and neutered all the outside cats except for the mama who had kittens just before we started. Mama brought the kittens today. They are 4 week old, bravely hissy, wide-eyed kittens. The caretaker managed to grab 3, there’s a 4th out there, I left a trap so that the caretaker could get both Mama & #4. We do not consider ourselves done with a location until we get everyone. These same people let the inside cats out, we spayed their two female inside cats. There is no money in this household for spay/neuter, the economy has hit Villa Park very hard and there are the feral cats there to prove it! Many people simply cannot afford to buy cat litter, what else can they do besides let the cats outside?
We have close to 16 cats/kittens that need fostering right now. If you are the type of person who can be firm, set boundaries (all children need that!) and see the big picture, please give us a call. We do not want to return cats to the outside if we don’t have to.
If you know of a barn home that would like some ferals, there are a few that absolutely do not want to be tamed and they cannot go back where they came from, please put us in touch with any contacts you may have. They need to go back outside in time to grow a winter coat, or else they will be in cages, indoors for the winter. Cages are actually better than loose in a house for ferals – rooms are just too big and scary, cages are secure.
Join us at Sweet Tomatoes October 19th!
We are having a Fun-raiser at the Lombard Sweet Tomatoes located at 2820 Highland Avenue in Lombard (630-932-5009) on Tuesday, October 19th. Please print and bring with our flyer between 5PM and 8 PM and we will receive not just 15% but 20% of your bill as a donation to Feral Fixers!!! This is a special promotion during the month of October which we did not even know about when we scheduled our event! Check out the menu at Sweet Tomatoes’ website so that you can plan your dining experience! While we will not have special tables reserved for Feral Fixers’ friends, we hope to see you there and get a chance to say hello.
Flyers cannot be passed out at the door, so don’t forget to print yours and forward them onto friends! No extra work involved, just come have a great time and great food!
Feral Fixers Bazaar – “Shop For Strays”
We are in the planning stages for our newest fundraiser, VFW Post 2801, 39 E St Charles Rd. in Villa Park, Sunday, November 7th from 10 AM to 2 PM. We will be hosting various home party consultants in one place for your shopping convenience. In addition we will have some Feral Fixers Silent Auction and Boutique items. The price of admission is an item from our Wish List. So, come visit us on the 7th and do some early shopping for the Holidays in one handy location!
Celebrate Our 2000th Cat! Fundraiser
Our 2000th Cat ChipIn Fundraiser is doing very well. We have received checks in the mail, in addition to the amount shown on our Web page, so we are hoping to match the $1,000 pledge by the October 16th deadline. These are difficult financial times and please know that every dollar donated is greatly appreciated and is used with great care and sense of responsibility to neuter, vaccinate and care for every cat that we can! We will report our results in our next newsletter, in the meantime –
Thank you all so much!