This is a story we had posted in our recent eNewsletter, but in case you missed it, here it is.

An article earlier this year in the Wall Street Journal details how a feral cat caretaker in Oakland, California, won a challenge against the IRS. She wrote off a number of her expenses incurred while taking care of approximately 70 cats but the IRS disallowed her claim. She took the case to US Tax Court and won! Money quote from the article:

The Tax Court allowed her to take a charitable deduction for expenses she incurred while taking care of the cats in her home for an IRS-approved charity, Fix Our Ferals. Among the $12,068 in expenses she deducted: food, veterinarian bills, litter, a portion of utility bills, and other items such as paper towels and garbage bags.

Of course, we are not advocating that you try and take such a deduction without being part of an IRS-registered charity, but it's good to know that there are now guidelines for these kinds of cases.

You can read the entire article online here.

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