This has been another busy weekend (into Monday) for Feral Fixers. On Sunday, we TNR'd five more cats at the PAWS-Chicago Spay/Neuter Clinic and on Sunday-to-Monday, we TNR'd another 26 cats.
Super-Volunteer Jennifer drove the cats in on Sunday (Thanks Jennifer!) while I picked them up. But I was able to do double-duty on Sunday by dropping off another 26 cats at PAWS to be TNR'd. I picked them up in the afternoon, today, and brought them back to Tammy for recovery. Once again, we are indebted to super-volunteer Sue for letting us use her van to handle this large number of cats at one time - Thanks Sue!
With these 31 cats, Feral Fixers has processed 105 cats this month (already!), 776 for the year and 2,255 overall.
And don't forget, tomorrow, Tuesday, October 19th, is the Feral Fixers "Fun-raiser!" at the Sweet Tomatoes restaurant at 2820 Highland Avenue in Lombard. Come by to have dinner sometime between 5:00pm and 8:00pm, bring a copy of this flyer with you and Sweet Tomatoes will donate 20% of your bill to Feral Fixers! Sounds like an easy and yummy way to help Feral Fixers - we hope to see you there!