On Thursday, October 5th, we sent 5 cats to ADOPT's clinic, 2 friendlies and 3 ferals of which 3 were females and 2 were males. Laura did transport in the AM and Linda & Mark picked up in the PM.
Also on Thursday, we sent 15 ferals to PAWS, 5 females and 10 males. Charli drove in the morning and Dedra picked up. One of the ferals had a hernia, a HUGE hernia, 8 centimeters long - usually they aren't barely a centimeter - and PAWS requested that we hold onto her for several days following surgery to make sure her abdominal wall stayed closed. Cats form scar tissue very fast so several days should be good.
These two trips bring us to 34 for the month of October, 707 for 2017 and 10,152 since our beginning.
One cat escaped into the garage Wednesday night, was retrapped Thursday afternoon, so will have to go in next week - try as we might to stop!!! But since being re-trapped she has been talkative, rubbing against the trap and today, Saturday, I was petting her in the trap - so clearly, she was trying to get the word across before the ear tip :)!!!
The sign up deadline for our Wine & Whiskers event is October 15th, it did not get entered on the flyer - so please, if you wish to attend, please register in the next week. We will be mentioning this at the 10K1K 10Yr event, also.
Thank you to everyone who has already signed up for both events - we look forward to seeing you!!!