Everyone seemed to have a great time and we appreciate your compliments so much! We are so immersed in preparations that we sometimes are not sure that what we think is a good idea, really is :).
Many thanks to our Board & Officers – Sue L, Chris, Ted, Karen for the many jobs they take on to make this event a success! To Jennifer, Debbie, Sara, Laurel, Lauren for the help in preparing and manning the different tables. To Laura J., Candy, Jill, Kelly, Pete, Diane, who joined in and helped set up and tear down. To Sue Z. and the kitchen crew for presenting such a fabulous spread and all the people who donated the great food. To the Door Prize team of Laura R., Casey, Kim! A big thank you to Julie for keeping the pictures flowing to Facebook and for Candy posting on Twitter! Much appreciation to Judy & Rita for the Kitty Caresser game!
Thank you to all the people who made donations of items for the Silent Auction & Door Prizes – so much that we have to set deadlines and maximum numbers for the items at the event – you are all so very generous!
As usual, we could not do this without YOU, our donors and supporters!
Thank you for another wonderful Frosty Claws!