Monday’s low will be 24 degrees.
We will be on a short temperature roller-coaster and then headed for the deep-freeze. As a result we have decided to curtail most ferals a week earlier than planned. It's not the temperature today, but for the next three weeks that we have to look at. Any surgery can be taxing on the cat’s system and neutering and vaccinating has a big impact. There will be a limited number of exceptions – where we’re certain the cats will be able to stay warm - but for the most part, done. We will still have friendlies & kittens to neuter but call us in February for the ferals. We apologize to those we could not get to but hope that you understand and CALL US when the weather gets warm enough!
Return Traps NOW!
Do not hold onto any traps over the winter “just in case.” We’ve had so many traps go missing, we know they are out there – in attics, behind or in sheds and garages, people meaning to give them back to us – but we need to bring them in now so that we can do maintenance at the very least. Nothing more frustrating than having a trap misfire!
Our Thanks for Your Continued Support
This has been one heck of a year! So many ferals, so many friendlies, so many kittens! As I write this, we just sent 39 cats into PAWS, 26 of which are friendlies. We are approaching the same numbers we reached last year, can’t wait for the end of December!!! We have even more kittens that will be neutered next month, so while our ferals are on hiatus, we will still be doing all of the other things that play a part in reducing the cat overpopulation in DuPage County!
We will be sending out our yearly newsletter soon and are planning some more fundraisers. We hope you enjoy our Holiday Card this year, it is very special. And, before you know it, it will be January and time for Frosty Claws! Please spread our Facebook information - our “community” has been so responsive and positive! And, thank you for signing up for our e-newsletters and allowing us to keep you updated!
We already know that next year will be challenging – when you’ve been at this for six years, it is no longer a surprise! But with your help we will continue to make a difference.
I found this quote recently –
“Be so good they can’t ignore you” Steve Martin
I hope that we are that good and as a result ferals and all cats in DuPage County will continue to benefit.
Many Thanks To YOU!!!