Zippy Is On His Way!
On a Monday evening, the employees of the Downers Grove Post Office had a window open at street level as they worked in the basement of the building. They've done this before, with nothing of note occurring. This night, however, a bunny ran thru the window with a kitten in hot pursuit!
The employees were able to capture the bunny and return it to the outdoors. The kitten dashed further into the basement and when they finally could figure out where it was, it was under some employee lockers in a hallway. My fellow employees know what I do in my off hours (I'm a letter carrier) and they elected someone to call me. Luckily Tuesday was my day off and I was able to go over and set a trap, leaving notices not to put out additional food. Like magic, the next morning the cat was in the trap. A black kitten, hissing for all it was worth, terrified. Within two days I was able to touch him and on Tuesday of the next week, Zippy went to be neutered. When he came back from PAWS we were able to get him into one of our few fosters, where he is doing really well.
Our skills are called upon in so many different and unusual situations!
Cat Allergies Breakthrough
How many cats end up outside because their owners love them, can’t survive their dander? There is a new cat allergy vaccine that is in the testing phase that requires as few as four doses and seem free of side affects. Current allergy treatment requires injections several times a week for months, with continuing treatment for years, with a possibility of severe reactions.
This vaccine could be on the market as early as 2013! See article here:
Felines, Inc and DelMonte Come Thru In A Pinch!
A few weeks ago, Feral Fixers was the recipient of a huge donation of Meow Mix, which Felines, Inc coordinated from DelMonte. We were desperate and had recently purchased a skid of dry food in order to feed the ferals that we support all over DuPage County.
You have to be careful when you acknowledge donations, donors may very well think that we don’t need any more help with food donations after reading this – but nothing could be further from the truth. You never know when the next donation will show up and you have to be very careful in what you hand out because one of the hardest things to do is spend money on food and supplies that could be going to neuter and care for cats. If you have access to donations for us, please pass them on!
We cannot express how grateful we are to Abby and Kelly from Felines, Inc – their generosity, benefiting shelters and TNR organizations throughout Chicagoland knows no bounds!
(The two pictures are from the Food Donation event. The one on the left is of the interior of the delivery truck - before any of the food had been distributed. The one on the right is of Tammy McAuley and Ted Semon, sitting in the truck they rented, on the food they were given. Thanks again Felines, Inc! You can click on either thumbnail to see a full-size version of the picture or visit the Felines, Inc. Facebook page to see more pictures from the event.)