We TNR'd 23 more cats today at the PAWS-Chicago Spay/neuter clinic. All of them were ferals. All was routine, well, at least as much as TNRing 23 cats can be 'routine'. Only one cat required special treatment, this to reduce a hernia that we had not noticed but the sharp-eyed vets at PAWS did.
It's amazing what these people do for the cats as a matter of course; fixing hernias, cleaning out bots and wounds caused by bots, removing BBs and treating the wound, stitching up old wounds, treating with antibiotics when necessary, etc. And all of this on top of the normal treatment of spay/neutering, ear-tipping, rabies shots, distemper shots, and treatment for fleas and earmites.
Thank you PAWS!
I drove the cats in this morning and picked them up this evening - got my arm exercises in for today for sure!
With these 23 cats, Feral Fixers has now TNR'd 106 cats for this month, 573 for the year and 2,052 overall.