Finishing May Strong!
5/16/24 – DCAS – 25 ferals, 13 males, 12 females. One female was already spayed in 2017 – she had a tiny eartip – probably because we had hoped she would become friendly. Two males were euthanized, they were well over 8 years old, with severe dental disease and other physical issues, trapped at a location being demolished for another industrial area, we cannot relocate unhealthy cats that might not survive.
5/23/24 – DCAS – 4 friendlies, 21 ferals, 8 males, 17 females. Due to the volume of cats we find some unusual conditions – one female had one uterine horn and was missing the kidney on that side as well. She should do fine with one kidney, caretaker will keep an eye out for her.
5/30/24 – DCAS – 6 friendlies, 11 ferals, 7 males, 10 females. Kittens neutered in this trip may be ready for our next adoption event!
Total: 105 cats for May, 255 for 2024, and 15,135 to date. Last year at this time we had neutered 233 cats which included a high volume of friendlies – the more ferals we neuter, the bigger impact we make!
TNR room is in constant flux, depending on how many s/n slots, the weather, volunteers! |
5/23 - 25 cats - rinse and repeat! |
As Many as Possible As Soon As Possible
Can You Help?
Before 2021, Feral Fixers operated mostly out of Tammy’s home and garage. Upon moving into our building, we also began renting a storage unit to house the traps, feral cat dens, carriers, crates, etc., when they are not in use. In March 2021, we received a move-in discount, so the rate was $144/month. That special deal expired, and the rate went to $179/month on 7/21. Since then, the rate has gradually increased for our 10’x10’ space to the just announced fee of $379 as of 7/24. Yep, more than twice the initial cost in just 3 years. We cannot continue that expense, but we have nowhere else to store our equipment when it isn’t in use. We use every inch of our building to support the cats that come and go on a daily basis. The current location is just down the block, so very convenient! There are ordinances against outside storage in the industrial park. If you know of a clean, dry, easily accessible space that we could move to, it would make a huge difference in our expenses. We can pay rent, just not this ridiculous amount! Storage may have to move back to my garage but that is not the most reasonable, sustainable answer either, a step backwards, using more of my personal time and resources. There are many ways to donate – storage space equals money and this could be a very significant donation to Feral Fixers!
Kittens Everywhere!
We receive calls every day about kittens that people have just found. The volume seems higher this year but do we say that every year? Kittens need to stay in place until they are eating on their own as bottle babies consume a huge amount of resources, mom care is so much better and often the mom goes on to have another litter within the next three months if the kittens are simply harvested. The best answer is to trap mom and kittens when the kittens are at least 5 weeks old and eating on their own, spay the mom and return her. She occupies the area, reducing the number of unneutered cats moving in as neutered and unneutered cats don’t like to hang out together, a win-win result! In a perfect world, kittens go on to be adopted and don’t continue to add to the overpopulation. There are only so many adoptive homes, prevention is the key. Spread the word about s/n so that the cats that want homes can receive them! We say these things repeatedly but if we can reach just one more person to prevent just one more litter, it is worth it!