With a wonderful group of volunteers who came and went throughout the afternoon, we were able to complete the mulching activity at the building today (5/2)!

Gillian and I kicked off the activity shortly before noon. We were soon joined by Annie, a volunteer from a local high school Interact Club, sponsored by Gillian. Candy and Vicki joined the team shortly thereafter. A little while later, Larry showed up with his awesome monster wheelbarrow. That is when the mulch really got moving!

After Candy, Annie and Vicki had to leave for other activities, we got a second wave of volunteers with new energy - Cheri, Joanie and David. This enabled us to finish the job. The building looks great with a fresh covering of mulch!

Thanks so much to all of these wonderful volunteers for their energy, muscle, sweat and dedication! Special thanks to Gillian, who helped throughout the mulching process and sponsored the Interact students who helped us this week and last week!

(Click on any of the picture thumbnails to see a full-size version)

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