Racking Up S/N!
This has not been an easy year so far. First, no surgeries, anywhere. Then, cancellations due to possible rioting. And, of course, the rain! I just want to neuter cats!
For the month of May we did an additional 56 cats, for a total of 64 for May. So far 17 in June, bringing us to a total of 111 for the year and 11,796 since our start.
Our load from May 14th...
The 20 cats from May 28th...
The cat sent in on 6/8 was trapped early. To occupy herself, she enjoyed tugging the towel into the trap with her.
We are starting to neuter our kittens. We have lots of pre-approved adoption applications so they are getting adopted without even being posted soon after they are neutered. We have more than 15 coming of age next week, so things will be fast an furious. Always better to get pre-approved, it helps you and us! There are so many litters out there that we will be working on!
Jewel Donation Day – Cancelled
Things still are not back to normal and Jewel asked us to postpone our Donation Day, which is completely understandable. There may be a Rescue Pack Distribution Day on 6/20, crossing our fingers that they will have cat food available. We will plan a Drive By Donation Day at the building soon. You will not be able to come inside but we can set it up so that you can drive up to the parking lot and we can empty your car of donations and you can at least see it from the outside. We are just so busy with trapping, fostering, caring for sick kittens that we need to concentrate on that for the next few weeks. If someone would like to coordinate this sort of event for us – we can certainly advertise it! And gladly accept the donations!!!
In the meantime, please visit our Amazon Wish List and use Amazon Smile to purchase items for us – our recent quarterly Amazon Smile donation was for purchases made 1/1/20 to 3/31/20 for $252.97 – at a .5% donation that means that our supporters spent $50,594 thru Amazon with Feral Fixers as their designated charity. Thank you all so much!
Our Re-Hab
Our building is situated at a fork in the road. Semi-trucks come thru there all time and they are not required to stop before turning. I got the image in my head of a semi crashing thru the front of our building, unable to stop for whatever reason – that can just make you crazy! Luckily one of our volunteers, Mary, was moving. She had lots of boulders in her yard. We arranged for the relocation of some of the boulders she donated for added insurance to protect the building – and it looks pretty good, too! Thank you, Mary!
We have a video of the inside of the building before we started working on it – you can see why we waited so long for this great building!
DuPage Giving Days
We started this fundraiser with a pledge of $2,400 and part way thru received another pledge of an additional $2,000. We received almost $3,800 in online donations and another $423 in direct checks to Feral Fixers, bringing us to over $8,600 for the fundraiser. This will be a huge help to us, helping to mitigate the impact of not being able to hold our Kitten Shower. Many thanks to everyone who shared the word and donated!
And finally...
This is Mowby. He is a feral and is going back to his neighborhood. While getting neutered last week, it was discovered that he had 3 broken canines and the fourth canine was a resorptive lesion. If left, those teeth can abscess and cause terrible pain and death. Best outcome would be that they die and fall out. Rarely has that been our luck. Can't bear to put a cat back out like this - he is somewhat random in the neighborhood, probably has a large territory. He's a very healthy boy otherwise. This is where "As If They Were Our Own" comes in. We haven't gotten the invoice yet but generally this is $300+ to us. As a result of this surgery, he may live many more years and after this basically positive experience it would not be a surprise that he might want to come inside at some point. This is a cat that your donated dollars supports. The alternative would be euthanasia because it would be irresponsible and cruel to put him back without removing those teeth. Thank you to everyone for their continued support!