As many of you know, if you make your purchases through their Charitable donation site ( and have Feral Fixers designated as your charity, Feral Fixers gets .5% of the purchase price donated to it. This has been a good source of donations for us, especially around the holidays as people, more and more, are doing a large portion of their Holiday shopping on Amazon.

Beginning on March 12th and running through the end of March, Amazon smile will TRIPLE the amount they donate (1.5% of the purchase price) to people who are making their FIRST purchase through the website.

If you have not tried purchasing anything through the website before, now is a good time to try it out. You'll see that it works exactly the same as the "normal" website. There are some items that are not eligible for purchases on, but you won't see them on the website.

So, if you haven't tried using the Amazon Smile website before, now through the end of March is great time to give it a try. Just make sure that you select Feral Fixers as your designated Charity - thank you!

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